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2021. 12 Change of the English title of the journal of SDDH [Asian Dance Journal] 
2021. 10 The 23rd Symposium of SDDH
2021. 01 The 4th president Choi Haeree was elected
2020. 10 GKL Foundation Artistic and Cultural Activity Support Project for the socially underprivileged artists
2020. 08 Korean Traditional Performing Arts Foundation
2020 Traditional Art Restoration and Reproduction Project Academic Seminar
2019. 10 The 21st Symposium of SDDH
2019. 01 The 3rd president Kim Kyung-sook was elected
2018. 08 The 20th International Symposium of SDDH
2017. 08 The 19th Symposium of SDDH
2017. 03 The 2nd president Han Kyung-ja was elected
2016. 10 The 18th Symposium of SDDH
2015. 09 The 17th Symposim of SDDH
Co-host with Arts Council Korea - 2015 Art Archive Exhibition
2015. 03 Co-presidents Kim Woon-mi ․ Cho Ki-sook was reappointed
2014. 11 Symposium of SDDH
2014. 04 The Society for Dance Documentation & History was established by merging the Korea Society for Dance Documentation and the Society for the History of Korean Dance.
Co-presidents Kim Woon-mi and Cho Ki-sook were appointed.